Saturday, August 14, 2010

I am beyond absolutely convinced that there's something in the water up at school because everytime I come here after being away for a while, I get sick to my stomach. Every single semester after being home, it happens. If I'm away for two weeks (as in this case) it happens. I don't fucking understand it! You'd think that by now, after four years, I'd be used to it. But no. Everysinglefuckingtime!!!!!

Sigh. So basically I'm up here at school this weekend. I didn't really have much to do here, but I figure I'm paying for this apartment, I may as well be in it. Tonight I'm going to a bon fire at Alex's with a bunch of my UConn friends which should be really nice. Although I'm not feeling that great right now (stomach issues plus a very angry period). But, I'm going to go a little late (he won't even be there till 8 but Zack is there setting up from 4-on)

I GOT MY NEW POLAROID CAMERA!!!!!! I'm so fucking excited about it. I'm absolutely in love, all over again. Seriously, polaroids are the reason I love photography so much. It's not the form I fell in love with originally, but it's the form that I love best. I started in black and white, but did do color slides on polaroid peel apart film back in high school, which is when I first fell in love with polaroids. Ahhh I can't get over how much I love it. I ordered more film last night, but I just want boxes and boxes and cases and cases of it (which I cannot afford) I'm going to have to finagle a way to make it "school supplies". Maybe I'll do lots of advanced projects in polaroids. and I can test 4x5 in polaroids (the film is about $1 a sheet (plus shipping-they come in boxes of $10 and shipping flat rate is like $5), which isn't cheap, but 4x5 costs about $4-$5 a sheet for the film and processing of the film so it's cheaper then that). The new camera has a picture that's about half (probably even less then that) the size of the old 600 film. I miss that film, but I love the new one. I miss 669 film too (the peel apart kind). I still have a few boxes of that to do slides on. I wanted to try to save it for my senior project but I have to look at the expiration dates and figure out of that's feesable.

Ok I'm semi inspired (for the first time all summer) to go and look at some photo books and brainstorm some photo project ideas. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and get my ass over to Alex's.

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